
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Celebrate 3/21

It's Saturday morning and that means it is time to reflect on the week and celebrate things both big and small. Join our community and celebrate this week by linking up or just stopping by the host Ruth Ayres' blog to read others' celebrations.

I haven't done a Celebrate post in a while, but I do take time to reflect on my celebrations each week. I am so thankful for this community because it really makes a difference when I focus on the positive and celebrate little successes as well as big ones.

This list includes things from the last two weeks. I am experimenting with Canva today as well. I have had an account there for a long time but haven't really tried using it for designs yet.

If you want to find out more about the picture book In Mary's Garden, please visit yesterday's Slice of Life post here

Last, but not least, I want to celebrate the fun of using a new digital tool. I think I will continue to experiment with Canva in many future blog posts.

What are you celebrating this week? I would love to hear from you in the comments!


  1. Your experimentation with Canva adds festive color to your celebrations. With so many participants I have missed out on your SOL challenge posts. I'll keep my eyes open for the next week.

  2. Yummy food, on the road to better health, new blog design, a great book and writing every day! Lots to celebrate this week. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Forgetting to take pictures is my trademark. I get so wrapped up in the moment I forget. I'm glad you are both feeling better.

  4. Wonderful celebrations! I was just reading about Canva on another blog and thinking I should check it out, so it was neat to come here and see that you used it to create your post. I had no idea you had a writing blog! Off to check it out!
